These Terms and Conditions set out the rights and obligations of the parties arising from the use of this Website, including those relating to the information on this Website. The User should read these Terms and Conditions carefully. If you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  1. Definitions

In these Terms and Conditions various defined terms are used. You will know that they are defined terms, as they begin with a capital letter. Whenever used in these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following meaning:

    1. Account – virtual records of the Platform enabling identification, tracking and management of the User's Balance; (the total of the services purchased by the User)

    2. Administrator – owner and administrator of the Website through which Users make a Purchase; the entity responsible for the proper functioning of the Website; the controller of Users' personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy;

    3. Advertisement – any kind of promotional or advertising materials that are published or otherwise displayed on the Website;

    4. Service Provider – a third party offering Product received from the Administrator, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Purchase;

    5. Content – information and materials that the Administrator and/or the User may publish via the Website and/or download from the Website;

    6. Microsite – a supporting site supplementing the Website, including mobile applications, electronic communications services, social networking sites, as well as any individual sites, business partner or seller's websites or other domain specific sites that contain links or references to these Terms and Conditions or this Website;

    7. Order – an offer for the purchase submitted by the User to the Seller;

    8. Payment Provider – payments for Product can be processed by third parties providing data processing, payment processing, invoicing, balance reconciliation and reporting services;

    9. Platform – software used to administer the Account;

    10. Privacy Policy – a set of rules for the processing of personal data and protection of privacy applicable to Website Users, presented in detail on the Website under the “Privacy Policy” tab;

    11. Purchase – the purchase Product from the Website takes place when the User places an Order, which entails the acceptance of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and when the agreement to Purchase is confirmed by the Seller. The Website shall not be used to purchase any physical goods and/or services, and nothing on the Website should be treated as an offer of such sale;

    12. Registration – opening an Account on the Platform, which is created following the Purchase by the User;

    13. Seller - an entity which is at the same time the Administrator in the Terms and Conditions;

    14. Terms and Conditions of Use or Terms and Conditions - these Terms and Conditions in their entirety;

    15. User – any natural person aged 18 or over who has full capacity for entering into legal transactions and has access to or uses the Website, including any person who has made a Purchase;

    16. Website – this website offering a possibility to submit Orders as well as each Microsite;

  1. General Terms of Use of the Website and the Platform

    1. Products can only be purchased by individual Users.

    2. Users are obliged to comply with these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, and are obliged to use the Website in line with the applicable law and in accordance with the principles of social interaction.

    3. All commercial information, price lists and Advertisements on this Website are only an invitation to Users to submit offers and conclude Purchase agreements. No information presented on this Website, regardless of its name, should be construed as an offer within the meaning of the applicable law.

    4. When placing an Order, the User must be at least 18 years old and have full legal capacity or the consent of their legal guardian, in accordance with the statutory regulations in force at the User's current location.

    5. All Orders placed by the User are considered an offer, and the offer is deemed to have been accepted by the Seller only upon confirmation of the Order by the Seller in accordance with the terms specified in the Terms and Conditions. The Seller reserves the right to reject an offer and/or refuse to accept an Order without giving reasons. In addition, even if the Seller initially accepted the User's offer, the Seller may cancel the transaction at any time if there is a reasonable suspicion that the User has committed a fraud against the Seller, the Service Provider or a third party affiliated with the Seller.

    6. The Seller reserves the right to cancel the Order in the case where User’s behaviour is considered suspicious or potentially fraudulent.

    7. The Seller reserves the right to discontinue the sale of at any time or to amend the Terms and Conditions.

    8. Purchases are made exclusively for personal use

    9. The User agrees not to provide false data, including false last names, addresses and/or contact information and payment details; the User further agrees not to take part in any illegal activities in connection with the Product, and not to allow anyone else to do that. The Seller shall not be held liable if the data are entered incorrectly and Product is used by someone else than the intended recipient.

    10. The User undertakes to update the data whenever they change. The Seller shall not be held liable for any consequences resulting from a failure to fulfil that obligation.

    11. In the situations referred to in section 2 clause 2.10 and section 2 clause 2.11, the User's access to their Account may be blocked by the administrator of the Platform.

    12. All prices are quoted in a specific currency and include all taxes applicable in the territory of the country of the Seller’s registered office. If there is an additional tax obligation in the User's country, the User is responsible for collecting, deducting, declaring and paying any additional taxes due to the relevant authorities.

    13. Up-to-date information on the prices of Products is valid from the day that information is displayed on the Website. The prices do not include Operating Costs.

    14. Operating Costs are added to the Price and depend on the type of Order. Their final amount is visible to the User in the Order Summary.

    15. Unless otherwise agreed, the Seller can modify the specification of Products.

    16. As persons residing in the territory of certain countries cannot make, Orders placed from or with an address for delivery in their territory will not be fulfilled: i.a. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, Hong Kong, Iraq, Laos, Mauritania, Moldova, Niger, North Korea, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Syria, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

    17. Personal data provided during Registration and upon placing an Order are processed by the Administrator/Payment Service Provider/ Platform Administrator to the extent necessary for the execution of the Order, including on-line and off-line settlements and after-sales service, in accordance with the Privacy Policy and to the extent necessary to provide Product.

    18. All Products presented on the Platform and/or Website, as well as other names and logos presented on the Platform and/or on the Website, shall be used exclusively for identification purposes; they may constitute a legally protected trademark.

    19. The Website, including the Content of the Administrator/Website Administrator/Seller and the Platform, are subject to full copyrights or other intellectual property rights and shall not be used for purposes other than those expressly permitted by these Terms and Conditions – in particular, they shall not be copied, in whole or in part.

  2. Liability

    1. The Seller is not a party to an so it is not liable for the quality, security or legality of the Products purchased at any given time, nor is it liable for the reliability and accuracy of the information contained in the Advertisement, for the possibility or the right of Service Providers to sell Products, or for the solvency of Users placing Orders.

    2. The Payment Operator is not a party to an agreement between the Users and the Service Providers, and is not liable for improper performance or non-performance of agreements concluded by the Users.

    3. The Administrator/Seller, the Payment Service Provider, the Website Administrator and the Payment Administrator are not liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages caused during the use of Products and Giveaways presented on the Platform.

    4. The Seller is not liable for the violation of the Terms and Conditions, if the fulfilment of a particular obligation has become impossible due to reasons beyond its control.

    5. The Administrator provides access to the Website “as is”, “with all faults” and “as available”. The Seller and its suppliers do not give any express warranties or guarantees regarding the the Platform.

    6. To the maximum extent permitted by the law, the Seller, its employees, directors, agents and vendors do not warrant that Products are transferable, of satisfactory quality, suitable, timely, fit for a particular purpose or need, are legal or fit for use or are provided with due diligence and skill. The Seller does not guarantee that the Products will meet the requirements of Users, will be free of errors, useful, complete or available at all times. The Seller does not guarantee that the benefits which can be obtained in connection with the use of the Website will be effective, reliable, accurate and that they will meet the expectations of Users. The Seller gives no guarantees with respect to the protection of privacy and security other than those expressly set out in the Privacy Policy. The Seller does not guarantee that the User will be able to access or use the Website at any time and location of their choice. No spoken or written information or advice provided by its representative constitutes a guarantee. The User may have additional consumer rights under the local law applicable to the User’s place of residence, which cannot be modified by these Terms and Conditions.

  3. Indemnity

    1. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User agrees, to the extent permitted by local law, to indemnify and hold the Seller/Administrator, Website Administrator its directors, employees and agents harmless against all claims, damages, liabilities, losses, amounts due, costs or debts and expenses (including, without limitation, all reasonable fees arising in connection with any claims or court proceedings which have been instituted against or the Seller/Administrator, Website Administrator or which they can be at risk of against any persons) resulting from the use by the User of access to the Website; the use of the Website using a User password; a breach of any provision of these Terms and Conditions; a violation of any rights of third parties, including without limitation any copyright, property or privacy right and any claim that the Content provided by the User causes damage to a third party.

    2. An obligation to indemnify and hold harmless referred to in section 8 clause 8.1 above shall survive the expiration of these Terms and Conditions and the termination of the User's use of the Website.

  4. We value your opinion

    1. Each User using the Website has an opportunity to share their opinion about Product purchased throug the Website.

    2. Opinions and suggestions, including any materials that the User would like to share, should be sent via the contact form indicated on the Website.

    3. When submitting an opinion, the User must have the right to the materials and Content which are to be published, including the right to share audio-visual materials. By submitting an opinion, the User agrees to the publishing of the content of the opinion or parts thereof, together with the attached materials, on the Website and other websites describing Discount Products which are the subject of this opinion. The Administrator/Seller is not liable for User Content.

    4. The Seller may send administrative and promotional e-mails related to available Products to the User. The User may unsubscribe from our promotional e-mails at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any such e-mail or by properly managing their Account settings.

  5. Final provisions

    1. These Terms may be amended at any time by posting the new terms on the Website. The changes will be visible to Users submitting Orders online, and will apply to Orders that have been placed after their introduction.

    2. If any provision of these Terms should be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms are not affected. Such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision which most closely achieves the economic effect contemplated by the invalid or unenforceable provision.

    3. The Seller shall endeavour to allow uninterrupted access to the Website. The Seller does not give any guarantee that the Website is free from viruses or other programmes that may have a detrimental effect on any technology. Therefore, access to the Website may be suspended, restricted or terminated at any time for reasons beyond the control of the Seller. In particular, the User’s access to the Website may sometimes be limited to allow for repairs, maintenance and the introduction of new facilities or services. The Seller shall use its best endeavours to restore such access as soon as possible. The Seller shall not be liable for the functionality, the use of which is dependent on the browser of the User or any other third party software.

    4. While the Seller endeavours to ensure that the information on the Website is correct, it does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the Content. The Seller may make changes to the Content, services and prices described in it, at any time without notice. The Content may be out of date, and the Seller makes no commitment to update such Content.

    5. The Seller each time reserves the right to change, modify, replace, suspend or remove, without notice, any information published on the Website whenever there is a justified need to take such actions.

    6. The Website and the Administrator’s Content, including, but not limited to, these Terms and Conditions, are available in English and in the local language. In the event of any discrepancies or differences in the various language versions, the English language version shall prevail. In the event of any discrepancies or differences between the Content posted by the Administrator/Website Administrator/Seller and these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall apply.

    7. The User is asked to use the contact form available on the Website for any further assistance.